Monday, September 30, 2019

Quality Improvement in Nursing Essay

Answering the call light (also called call bell a handheld like that is attached to the patient room wall, above the headboard of the bed) in a timely manner by the nursing staff in hospital setting is necessary to prevent falls that can harm, prolonged stays, and unnecessarily increase the cost of healthcare. However, researches concerning call light uses as it relates to patient safety, patient-care management and patient satisfaction are limited (Meade et al. 2006). Patients and their families emphasize that nurses should monitor patients constantly and provide assistance and answer a call light in a timely manner (Yoder, 2011). Note that the falls may be caused by several factors such as physiological, psychological and/or environmental-related to each individual patient (Joint Commission, 2005). The nurse initiating this project will focus on the rate of falls related to a delay in response to the call light. The hospital, where the Quality Improvement Project (QIP) is done, uses the Hill-Rom system to operate and record the time it takes to respond to a call light prior to the incident as base for the (QIP). The nurse will identify opportunities to improve the quality of care delivered as well as the response time to a patient’s needs. The nurse working on the project used the study done by (Tzeng & Yi Yin, 2009) as a model to follow. In fact, Tzeng & Yi Yin suggested that the goal of the quality care is to reduce the response time to the call bell to a number that is unlikely to lead to a fall. During their project, the authors explored the contribution of the call bell use rate and the average response time to the fall rate, the injurious fall rate and patient satisfaction scores that occurred in four adult inpatient acute care units (Tzeng & Yi Yin, 2009). Improving the responsiveness to the call light and reducing the fall rate is important for both the safety of the patient and the reputation and success of the organization. Yoder proposed that the patients are becoming more sophisticated and view themselves as â€Å"consumers† who can take their business elsewhere (Yoder, 2011). Since the hospital is a Magnet and applies the shared governance model, there is an organizational structure for nursing quality that can facilitate the project. In fact, each unit has a designated staff member for the Unit’s Council Quality Champion (UCQC). This unit representative functions as a quality improvement resource for the unit council, and performs unit-based monitoring and analysis as well as collaborating with unit staff members on improvement plans. This allows for an opportunity to network and share best practice (MLHS, 2010). The nurse handling the project can set up a meeting with the UCQC, and ask for input from other members such as patient care manager (leadership in implementing changes), physicians (after assessing the patient, leaving the bed in high position), housekeeping (placing caution signs on a wet floor), pharmacy (flagging medications that can contribute to falls such as sedatives, hypnotics, beta blockers), and dietary service (placing trays within the reach of the patient). The multidisciplinary team allows for a better planning approach to the subject and prevents malpractice (Yoder, 2011) The information recorded from the patient room call light system was used in this study. The rate of inpatient falls, which have long been perceived as a nursing-sensitive quality indicator, is defined as the rate at which patients fall during their hospital stay per 1000 patient-days (American Nurses Association, in Tzeng & Yi Yin, 2009). As the nurse working on the QIP a notification to the institutional review board will be sent if further approvable are necessary. The only statistical data the nurse could obtain from the manager are related to the numbers of falls per 1000 patient days with injury. The data gives us information about the rate of falls in reference to the average rate of falls in the hospital. In this unit there is awareness at the managerial level that the longer the call light is on the higher the incidence of fall is. If there is a fall with injury, the manager has the ability to go back and check how long the call light was on prior to a fall. However, this information is not used to prevent and emphasize the relationship between the length of time a call light is on and the rate of fall. Most nurses and patient care technicians are not aware that the manager can back-track the call light and find out this information. To measure the rate of falls to the length of time a call light is answered, the nurse working on the project choose the histogram. This illustrates the length of time in the Y axis and the rate of falls in the X axis during the period of study (time frame). The histogram itself will include a control group, average answers, and delay answers to call light. This example was imported and modified from a previous study done comparing the numbers of call lights and nursing rounds by (Meade et al. 2006). A realistic goal of this study is to reduce the fall related to a delay in answering the call light to less than the standard national data base that can be found in National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI). The nurse will be able to compare the data obtained on the unit to similar hospital units by referencing (benchmarking) to the national data from NDNQI. There will be a follow up study and gradual modification of the plan in order to achieve the outcome. The team has to set measurable outcomes and quality indicators. According to Yoder, the goal of quality improvement necessitates a standard of practice and a measurable patient-care outcome or nursing-sensitive outcome (Yoder, 2011). Yoder signaled that the quality management stresses improving the system rather than assigning blame to employees (Yoder, 2011). Thus, communication is a very important step and strategies in the discussion. It allows both the manager and followers to see the appropriate changes needed without appointing blames. The results of the project can be shared with other floors, included in the computer based training, or presented by nursing leaders during in-service with the staff. Posters could be used to illustrate the importance of the response time to patient’s call light. In recent years some hospitals have initiated hourly rounds to reduce the noise and interruptions caused by unnecessary call lights. (Meade et al. 2006). Meade concluded that with one-hour rounds, there was a significant reduction in the number of falls that occurred on the units. Others tools used in the hospital to prevent falls are yellow bracelet, non slip red socks, and yellow sticker placed on the chart.   As the plan is implemented the team continues to gather and evaluate data to document and compare in order to find out if the outcomes are being met. Revisions are performed if new problems arise during the implementation of the project and a time frame is set during the realization of the project. In conclusion this QIP can be implemented on the floor by educating the staff about high costs that result from a fall, specifically ones leading to injuries or even death. Also, as patient’s advocates the nurse has to work on securing the patient safety by responding to their needs and reducing the call light response time. Nursing staff must recognize that call lights are legitimate ways for patients to test the responsiveness of the hospital system regarding their needs (Deitrick et al. 2006). References ————————————————- Deitrick L, Bokovoy J, Stern G & Panik A (2006) Dance of the call bells: using ethnography to ————————————————- evaluate patient satisfaction with quality of care. Journal of Nursing Care Quality 12, ————————————————- 316–324. Retrieved from CINAHL with Full Text database ————————————————- Joint Commission (2005). Defining the problem of falls. In Reducing the Risk of Falls in Your ————————————————- Health Care Organization (Smith IJ, ed.). Joint Commission, Oakbrook Terrace, IL, pp. ————————————————- 13–27. ————————————————- Meade CM, Bursell AL & Ketelsen L (2006) Effects of nursing rounds on patients’ call light use, ————————————————- satisfaction and safety. American Journal of Nursing 106, 58–70. ————————————————- MLHS (2010). ————————————————- Tzeng H; Yin C. (2009). Relationship between call light use and response time and inpatient falls ————————————————- in Acute care settings. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 18(23): 3333-41 Retrieved from ————————————————- CINAHL with Full Text database ————————————————- Yoder-Wise, P. (2011). Leading and managing in nursing. St. Louis, MO: Mosby ————————————————-

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Miller’s portrayal of masculinity Essay

Analyse how the audience might interpret miller’s portrayal of masculinity in act one of â€Å"a view from the bridge†Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"A View from the Bridge†, is a probing psychological drama. A play script written by Arthur Miller during 1955. It is set in Red Hook Brooklyn New York. It is about an illiterate longshoreman named Eddie Carbone who has relatives come stay with him illegally from Italy who want to persue the America dream. Inspired by a true story of a Brooklyn dockworker who informed on two illegal immigrants. When Miller wrote this script it dealt with water front corruption and graft that questioned the reasonableness of U.S. immigration laws. Arthur Miller was strongly influenced after his father was ruined by depression and after reading Dostoevskys novel â€Å"the brothers karamazor† he decided to become a writer. After reading act one of â€Å"A view from the Bridge† I believe that masculinity is very important to the story because it is closely linked to the American dream and this is the reason why the cousins come to America, to pursue the American dream. Also I believe it is essential to the dramatic tension because if it weren’t for Eddie’s views on masculinity he would not hate Rodolpho, he would accept him and so there would be no tension between them and there would be no story line. This book was written during 1955 and during that time there was a stereotypical view of what masculinity was, it was seen as being strong and having power, authority and responsibility and perhaps demanding respect. It could be that a man was only a man if he had a family and took care of them or if he dressed a certain way. I have added a list on my views of what characteristics should be seen in masculinity: power, strength, authority, responsibility, respect, control, in charge and pride. In â€Å"A view from the Bridge† the protagonist Eddie Carbone shows most of these characteristics at the start but as the story progresses he looses these characteristics and so is seen as less masculine, he looses his pride, authority, leadership he looses the control of his house hold and he looses his respect. In act one of the play masculinity is shown in many different ways, a good example being Eddie carbone. He shows his masculinity in the way he acts. He cares for his family very much, he goes to work everyday or when ever there is work. He says â€Å"he took the food out of his mouth to feed his family† this shows he cares for them and shows his masculinity. Another example of his masculinity is when he drinks a beer or has a cigar this would be seen as a manly or masculine thing to do because women wouldn’t usually drink or smoke. He does this when he comes home after work he sits down and wants a cigar to relax and as a sign of his masculinity and authority, and the respect Catherine has for him she gets it because she has respect for Eddie and he has authority over her  Another reason for Eddie’s masculinity is his work, it could be that working as a longshoreman loading and unloading cargo all day is a different environment from any normal work, it is only men that work at the docks and he is surrounded by men all day so he Is masculine without realising and lifting heavy objects all day could be seen as masculine and only a real man could do this work.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Case Study Treating An Ischemic Brain Attack Nursing Essay

Case Study Treating An Ischemic Brain Attack Nursing Essay J Sparrow, a 70-year-old patient, presents to the emergency department 4 hours after experiencing an ischemic brain attack confirmed on the CT of the head without contrast. The patient is a candidate for intra-arterial thrombolytic therapy to dissolve the blood clot causing the significant stroke symptoms. The patient is scheduled for the emergent cerebral angiogram with possible intra-arterial thrombolytic therapy. The nurse provided patient and family education and received the informed written consent from the patient’s spouse. The patient has intravenous normal saline at 100 mL/hr infusing into the right forearm with an 18-gauge angiocath, which is patent. Interpretations and findings done by the group: Most books have cited the importance of the â€Å"3-hour window† for administration of thrombolytic therapies. This is to adhere to the fact that irreversible brain injuries usually take place after 3 hours from the onset of stroke, and any intervention to reverse t he condition would be deemed useless. But recent studies show that the 3 hour window was extended to 4.5 hours, and was proven to still be therapeutic if the drug was administered up to this time. In the patient’s case, even if it was 4 hours after the onset of stroke, he was still allowed to undergo possible Intra-arterial Thrombolytic therapy following a cerebral angiography since this was indicated for stroke patients with onset of symptoms for more than 3 hours. CT scan of the head without contrast was done as a differential diagnosis as to what type of stroke patient JS had experienced. This was an important test to determine further interventions needed, and to reduce risks for any complications if the client’s stroke was classified as hemorrhagic. Cerebral angiography was ordered to identify the exact area of occlusion, so that immediate administration of the thrombolytic drug can be done. Before patient JS became a candidate for thrombolytic therapy, several cr iteria for eligibility were assessed since not all stroke patients can have this kind of therapy. What labs should the nurse assess before the procedure and why? Patient JS is about to undergo cerebral angiography, wherein a contrast dye is to be injected to view the area of occlusion. Before the procedure, certain laboratory tests need to be assessed and reassessed as a standard protocol, and for further procedures which requires it. The cerebral angiography test is done to locate the area of occlusion or infarction to determine the area of administration of Thrombolytics. Since the client is about to undergo EMERGENT cerebral angiography, only the most significant laboratory tests are to be assessed. Blood tests Complete blood count with Platelet Count Hemoglobin count is important to determine the amount of oxygen in the blood. Low oxygen in blood aggravates the condition of the patient (in which a part of the brain is deprived already of oxygen), by depriving other parts of the brain or body of proper oxygen. Hematocrit can also determine if the client experiences alterations in fluid volume, especially within the blood vessels. Assessing these values can determine further interventions needed to be done before the procedure, such as administration of oxygen and increasing the rate of administration of fluids.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Iranian revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Iranian revolution - Essay Example The 1941 deposition of Reza Shah by the British and the United States and their subsequent involvements in the affairs of Iran, including the forceful inculcation of the western values and the slow eradication of Islamic fundamentals [such as the veiling of women] culminating into a coup d’Ã ©tat that ousted the democratically elected, anti-west Mohammad Mossadegh in 1953, laid a strong foundation towards a deterministic end (Mackey 184). A strong critic of Shah’s association with the west and the continued mismanagement of the country’s resources, Ayatollah Khomeini rose to prominence into 1963 with his brainchild opposition of the Shah’s White Revolution; a perceived westernization process aimed at complete eradication of Islamic values suspended by the Sharia laws in Iran. As Robin Wright rightly points out, the Iranian revolution was shaped by Khomeini’s "guardianship" principles summed up in Velayat-e faqih [Islamic Government] as an ideology (29-31). With the guardianship influence from the diaspora, Shah faced constant pressure under his very nose. The Freedom Movement of Iran, The Constitutionalist Liberals, the National Front and the more radical groups such as the People’s Mujahedin, Tudeh Party of Iran and the Fedaian guerillas all had a restorative mission of overthrowing Shah’s regime and instituting sound governance guided by Islamic ideals (Graham 71-74). Setting the stage for a final push for a change were a number of anti-public events championed by the Shah’s government in the seventies. The plundering of oil benefits into extravagance by the government as the gap between the haves and the have-nots widened; increased accumulation of oil benefits in particular; and the mutilation of the Iranian solar calendar had profound impact on the 1979 revolution (Graham

Thursday, September 26, 2019

A visit to a theme park, such as Disneyland Essay

A visit to a theme park, such as Disneyland - Essay Example There is need to describe the park based on experience rather than speculation. This allows individuals to plan before physically visiting any park. Age at the Disney world is not a limitation. The theme setting within the park bases on Disney classing cartoons and story tales. The aim is to create an illusion that the actual events in the story tale are true. The Alice in wonderland ride is exceptional. The ride offers children with the opportunity to explore details within the park. The train passes through various stages that offer Alice in wonderland’s experience as written in the tales. The section is based satiated for younger children and the event organizers did a great job in making the ride slower. This offers entertainment and at the same time assures security for the children (Disney, 2015). The rest of the family has a place to enjoy as they may choose a merry go round ride o a rollercoaster ride that offers a different experience from those experiences at Alice in wonderland. Different spots are developed along the classic tales. The entry is designed in to create ancient of what would transpire inside the theme park. The combination of rides and the bouncing castles with music is a positive on the organizers front. The dress code by the assistants within the theme park reflects on the main purpose of the organizers. The focus would be on the public relation in that the assistants at the theme park develop an atmosphere that is based suited for visitors (Disney, 2015). The ticketing services are one of a kind as people may choose different modes of payment depending on their preferences. The theme park cannot be complete without a visit at the Cartoon adventure where your are treated to a Mickey mouse tales and a glance at how these theme parks integrates its cartoon characters to create an entertainment galore (DIS, 2014). In conclusion, a firm or any organization should create its plans in an effort to ensure satisfaction. Satisfaction

2-1-5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

2-1-5 - Essay Example led â€Å"structural adjustment problems that were exacerbated due to the lack of proper procedures by which the banks could carry out business in their respective areas of operation. Hence, the Lithuanian banking system can be characterized to be in a flux or in movement from a state owned one to a modern banking system. B) The Lithuanian banking system has been included in the common European currency area because of some of the factors discussed above. It has been included in the common European area due to the fact that its banking system has made the transition to the practices of the Euro region. On the other hand, the banking system in Lithuania has started to emerge from its socialist shadow and hence can be said to have matured enough to warrant inclusion into the common Euro area. Though the common Euro area is mainly a monetary union, the fact that the Lithuanian economy is developing a fast rate has resulted in its non-inclusion in the common Euro area. The other reasons or the cost benefit analysis that has been carried out has been in favor of the union with the Euro area because of the perceived gain to the Euro currency because of the relative robustness of the Lithuanian economy. C) The European central bank had a role to play in the transformation of the Lithuanian banking system from a pre-modern one to a modern one. The ECB has extended all possible help to the Lithuanian banking system to make this transition possible. However, the fact that Lithuania is a part of the Euro area has led to a relatively major role for the ECB and the way in which the ECB has been guiding the transition makes it a stronger player than the central bank of Lithuania in the transition process. The ECB has mandated several requirements to the central bank of Lithuania as part of the process for acceptance and it is to the credit of the Lithuanian baking authorities that many of these requirements have been met. D) The major export and import industries of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Reading Responses 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reading Responses 2 - Essay Example Young boyfriends like young John and James are interested in her body. She is a toy to them. Men can play with Mary anyway they like without having to show slightest respect for her emotions. Old John, on the other hand, does love Mary but is not sincere enough to sacrifice his well-established married life for her sake. On the other hand, Mary is in continuous search of finding the right man to get married to and in her attempt to achieve this, she plays a toy to the men. Madge is the typical housewife who is immersed in the works for the wellbeing of her children and husband, though she is privileged in that she is recognized by John as his wife and is introduced in the society as such. She has the status of a respectable woman who fulfills all the roles expected of a careful and responsible woman. John, in his youth flirts with Mary and marries Madge. In old age, he again flirts, this time, with a different Mary but almost the same age as the first one. Nevertheless, there is a di fference between his sincerity towards the first Mary in his life and the second one. With the passage of time, John has become more emotionally involved in his extra-marital affairs despite having a satisfying married life. In any case, the author believes that the ending is happy.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Implementing Strategy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Implementing Strategy - Assignment Example That is also evident in the stock price after round eight in which Baldwin had $166.47, second after Digby’s 320.07 that was the best performance. As a business that values improvement in its products, we invested in research and development. The following represents the implementation strategy for research and development during the first four rounds of competition. For round 0, R&D was $0 for all the five products. That remained similar for the Baker and Bead products in round 1. However, Bid, Bold and Buddy products had $886, $ 778 and $ 892 in R&D, respectively, during round 1. During round 2, Baldwin spent $140 on R&D for Baker, $40 for Bead and $1000 for each Bid, Bold and Buddy. During round 3, R& D were $854 for Baker, $0 for Bead, $274 for Bid, $161 for Bold, $20 for Buddy and $952 for Bobo products. For round 4, R& D were $0 for Baker and Bead, $874 for Bid, $ 842 for Buddy and $820 for Bobo. In round 5, R& D will be $0 for Baker, $0 for Bead, $989 for Bid, $864 for Bold, $849 for Buddy and Ǚ for Bobo. In essence, research and development after the introduction of Bobo was higher. After all the eight rounds of co mpetition, product improvement was achievable due to high investment in research and development. Based on the financial historical summaries for Baldwin, the following were the financial performances. As the Baldwin team, the net income increased steadily throughout the eight rounds. Round one performance was $1, 061, 000 while round eight performance was $40, 427, 000. The cash flow from operations varied during the eight rounds. While, round one was $3,282, 000, round four was $1, 628, 000, round five was $34, 236, 000 and round eight was $ 47, 774, 000. Baldwin great performance in profitability after the eight rounds of competition. It had $ 40,427,031 in profit. Because of its exceptional marketing strategies, Baldwin realized 11.27% in traditional segment share after the eight rounds of competition. That was third

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Entry Mode in the Chinese Car Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6500 words

Entry Mode in the Chinese Car Industry - Essay Example As more and more manufacturing companies, operating internationally, face heavy domestic and global pressure and make increasing Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) abroad, the research of the entry mode decision has caught the attention of managers and academic scholars. In this regard, many theories, which identify and focus on diversified variables that influence the entry mode decision, have been developed. After several years of continuous growth, China is now the fourth-largest automobile market in the world next to U.S., Japan and Germany. Even the development continues at just half its current pace, there is a possibility that China could leap into second place in 3-5 years. Automobile executives, facing flat or falling sales in their home markets, predict that China will become their biggest market on the next decade. Thus competitions in the Chinese car market will become tough, which will eventually mark down automobile prices to a rational level and extend competition in price, quality and after-sale service. Since there is an increase in the number of wealthy Chinese yearly and that the recent statistics reveals that Chinese private citizens have overtaken the government in the purchased of car units, automobile giants both at home and abroad look at the Chinese car market as their prospect. ... Probably the mounting of sales is attributed to the car loan offerings of banks, series of price cuts for homemade cars promoted by a tariff cut in January and the construction of additional roads. There is immense untapped growth potential in China's automobile market. According to government statistics, last year car ownership was only 1.5 units per 1,000 persons over the global average of more than 90 units. Besides, statistics also reveal that in the next five years about 32% of China's urban residents intend to buy a car. These results bode well for car marketers both in China and abroad. Giant global automobile industries now are either responding with vast investment or reforming models like mini cars that most fit the Chinese family use. Following Volkswagen and Citroen, almost all of major car manufactures, such as General Motors, Ford Motor, Honda, Fiat, Toyota and Mazda, made investments in joint ventures with Chinese carmakers successively thus intensifying competition for market shares. Unlike the international automobile giants, China's automobile industry is fragmented. Of the 118 car manufactures in China, most are small, whereas its top five manufacturers produced 37 percent of total output in 2001. However, with the current low labor cost which is only one-twentieth and one-thirtieth of that in Japan, the government labeled China as a "pillar industry" that has great room for development. But still it is expected to be a difficult process and the need for Chinese government restructure the industry is yet to realize. With the commitments to the WTO in 2003, China has agreed to implement another round of tariff cuts for automobiles before ultimately reducing the tariff level for automobiles to 25 percent by 2006. Besides, China is also

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The duality of human nature in chapters 1, 4 & 9 of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Essay Example for Free

The duality of human nature in chapters 1, 4 9 of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Essay In what ways does Stevenson present the duality of human nature in chapters 1, 4 9 of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and how does this duality reflect the concerns of the time? Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, published in 1886, regards many of the issues within Victorian culture and it presents the authors own disgust towards the traditions and affairs concerning Victorian society and the people living in it at the time. Stevensons book incited the idea that everyone was capable of committing moral and immoral actions, it had nothing to do with your appearance, and his one shilling shocker did what he said it would, it shocked and appalled the Victorian public. Science was rapidly becoming a more frequently occurring part of peoples lives and it was posing a fast rising threat to religion and its practises, whilst at the same time theories such as Charles Darwins theory of evolution were severely undermining and attacking the influence that the Christian church could have in peoples lives. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley was another science based book, and this is similar to Stevensons book in a way that a Dr [Frankenstein] is using his mind and science for the wrong reasons. People had begun to question the notion that God created the world, and this was exacerbated by Frankensteins experiments. In a clearly divided London, there was conflict between the East and West end, much like there was conflict between the upper and lower classes. Over time, a momentously bitter split was formed between those who were born into wealth, and those unfortunate enough to be thrown into a struggling, lower class background. The upper class feared that the lower class would pollute their flawless society. Habits such as infraction and homosexuality were thought to be associated with the lower class and the upper class feared this. A recurring theme of the time was that a criminal could be recognised simply by their appearance and reality was discounted totally. When the book was taken to the theatre, Richard Mansfield the actor who played Mr Hyde fit the common recognition of an evil man, and acted so convincingly that the audience actually believed he was Jack the ripper himself. However, Jack the ripper contradicted these beliefs and went against the general beliefs inspired by the theories of Lombroso and Francis Galton (a criminal was short and had a big head as they had devolved). What is more, it was proven that Oscar Wilde, a lower class man who was six foot six, hence hugely different to the theories of Lombroso and Galton, was having a homosexual relationship with a member of the aristocracy. This furthered the idea of disease coming from the lower class and infecting the upper class. Plus, the book Dracula considers blood transfusions, and it is a parallel to the notion of separation in Victorian London. Blood passed into a normal persons body from a vampire and infected them, much like the lower class were infecting the upper class. Firstly, much alike other characters in the book, there is a clear and present duality between the characters (or character) Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. We are first introduced to Mr Hyde during the incident in which he tramples over a little girl in the street. He is described as a monster, not of this world: It wasnt like a man; it was like some damned Juggernaut. On any occasion that there is a portrayal of Hyde, we are made aware of his hellish actions and the actuality that someone either dislikes him, or more severely, wants to kill him: I had taken a loathing to my gentleman at first sight. So had the childs family, which was only natural. In the nature that he is referred to as a Juggernaut, we are told he is an unstoppable force, and he is therefore likened to Jack the Ripper who, although he should supposedly fit Lombroso and Galtons theories about criminal appearance, is impossible to catch. During the opening of the book, Hyde is in no way likened to a man, hence insinuating that there is something wrong with Hyde, and he may be like no other man, in either appearance or reality. Stevenson strengthens this notion by stating: he gave me one look, so ugly that it brought out the sweat on me like running. Despite this, Dr Jekyll is first construed as a, large, well-made, smooth-faced man of fifty. This gives the reader the impression that he is just an indifferent member of the upper class, hence suggesting that he is the exact opposite to Mr Hyde. Moreover, the fact that Jekyll is referred to as, Dr and Hyde is referred to as Mr suggests that Mr Hyde, a lower class person is polluting Dr Jekyll, an upper class person, fitting in with the common fear that the lower class would pollute and corrupt the idealistic upper class, therefore suggesting the duality of the East and West ends. The duality between Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde at the time of the book could epitomize the concerns of Victorian society and the theories of evolution proposed by Charles Darwin. The theory enunciated that all human beings began as apes, and that we have developed throughout time to suit the environment, or to adapt, fitting the idea of survival of the fittest. The harsh fact that Mr Hyde has not yet been likened to man suggests he is devolved, and Stevenson is able to convey this point by stating that he clubbed him to the earth (in relation to the murder of Sir Charles Danvers). From this statement we are able to infer that Mr Hyde is now being likened to a caveman brandishing a club, a supposed early stage in the theory of evolution. What is more, Hyde is depicted to have, ape-like fury which even more so directly parallels him to Darwins theory. Sigmund Freud had proposed at the time was that a person has three parts; the id, the ego and the superego. The id was supposedly the unconscious mind, or inner desires, the ego being a conscious self, which was a front to interact with society, and finally the superego was the conscious feelings of disapproval that would be hidden away as the guilty conscious. Mr Hyde could be characterized as the id, as the unconscious mind providing us with physical drives and desires, thus allowing Hyde to live with no moral restraints or standards. On the other hand, Dr Jekyll can be perceived to be the ego, the conscious self being developed by the mind. He is fully conscious of his own actions. Mr Hyde or Hide is the id. We can consider that Hyde (the id) may be hiding within Hide. Furthermore, Dr Jekyll begins with the French word Je, or it can translate to I. Therefore, Jekyll who is the ego, can be seen as I or Stevenson could be the I in Jekyll, and he could be using him [Jekyll] as a puppet to convey a didactic message. Amid Stevensons one shilling shocker, there are numerous references to both science and religion. Scientific advances at the time intimate that Stevenson was trying to convey a didactic message by writing a highly controversial book. In chapter one, it was hellish to see is but one of the frequently occurring references to religion, along with describing Mr Hyde as, really like Satan. This indicates that Stevenson is trying to liken Mr Hyde to Satan, who at the time was thought to be the most evil creature in the universe, by some religious people. However, when describing the dark London night, the quote: all lighted up as if for a procession and all as empty as a church demonstrates conflicting ideas between science and religion. Stevenson is trying to bring one aspect of duality in Victorian society to a halt, by combining science, with relation to the street lamps, and religion with relation to the church. What is more the church is described as empty, ergo insinuating that science is constantly becoming more and more a part of Victorian society, gradually stripping religion of its influence. Stevenson utilises two different settings in which he presents the two main characters, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, and this explores the conflicting backgrounds and personalities of the two men. In the instance that Mr Utterson is taken to the residence of Hyde in Soho, he enters his room and Stevenson delineates the room as being, furnished with luxury and good taste. This is a huge duality, as it would seem strange that Mr Hyde, having been characterized as such an evil looking, ugly man could have such a clean and well furnished room. Yet another quote, the closet filled with wine would indicate that Mr Hyde is a rich, thriving man and thus should be of a high status within Victorian society. What is more, we are enlightened that Mr Hyde has a: picture hung on the walls, a gift from Henry Jekyll, who was much of a connoisseur. This portrayal of the wall hanging and of the entire flat seems to give us more of a concept with regards to the type of accommodation that Dr Jekyll would live in, because of his status as a high class man. However, it is apparent Mr Hyde is living in the flat, due to the, dingy windowless structure and, distasteful sense of strangeness that Stevenson goes on to describe. Duality of the flat is found in the sense that in one judgement, the flat is elaborately and intricately decorated, but in another, it is dingy and distasteful. Dr Lanyon is a scientist, much like Dr Jekyll; however, although the two men share the same profession, they do not share the same ideas or moral values. Lanyon may be a scientist, yet he is still a very strong and motivated religious believer, and he tries to distance himself from Jekyll because of what seems to be his [Jekyll] lack of morals with regards to human life, my colleague [Dr Jekyll] was insane. Through Lanyon and Jekyll, Stevenson is able to convey the antithesis of science conflicting with religion, and how just as before, Lanyon and Jekyll should live together as friends and in peace, as potentially science and religion can. Throughout the book, references are made as to the duality between reality and appearance. Mr Utterson, a key featuring character in the book is given a detailed description in chapter one. He is described as, cold, scanty and embarrassed and he is referred to as, dreary which suggests that he is an extremely dull and irksome man who will play no major role in the book, due to the fact that he is so terribly tedious. Despite this, he is later referred to as, loveable and it is said that, something eminently human beaconed from his eye thus suggesting that he is a man who likes to keep to himself, but underlying emotions and feelings may expose the real person within, hence connoting duality between his human side, and his dreary, uncaring side. It is said in the Bible that, the eyes are the window to the soul consequently the fact that we are told something human is emerging from his eye suggests that he is not soulless and boring as suggested, there is an antithesis between his cold and harsh exterior, and his softer, more forgiving inside. Stevenson uses Utterson to convey a didactic message that Victorian society is too concerned with appearance, and too little attention is paid to reality. Additionally, there is a certain duality between the character associated with Mr Utterson, and his personality in reality. In the book it is stated that he: enjoyed the theatre but had not crossed the doors of one for twenty years. Over time, he has been able to work upon and build his image as a true, upper class gentleman. This can be regarded much like a poet spends an age perfecting a sonnet, and as part of this image, he must obey the rule that the theatre is the place of the common people, and not for someone of the stature of himself. Utterson was a, nut to crack intimating that he was really just a man who wanted to enjoy life hiding behind a shell of lies, yet out of fear for his reputation and status, this spirit of free will must be locked away. Throughout the short book, Stevenson has used more than one narrator to tell the story of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. The book had effectively been written by society and it is highly reflective of Victorian life. Dr Lanyon narrates some of the book, along with Dr Jekyll narrating through his letter. This is extremely effective as it can tell the story in two parts, thus emphasising the split in Victorian society between the East and West end, and the lower and upper class. In conclusion, throughout the book, Stevenson has epitomised his ideas on the issues haunting an unstable Victorian society, and most definitely, the sentiment of allocation within this society due to the importance and lust for money is one that Stevenson strongly disagrees with, thus allowing him to passionately convey his didactic message to eliminate this divide. Furthermore, Stevenson is sickened by the paradox in which those as evil and immoral as Mr Hyde can live a luxurious lifestyle and do what they want when they want, regardless of the horrific deeds and actions which he has perpetrated. The dedication to Katharine De Mattos in a way conveys all of the didactic messages that Stevenson is attempting to display within the book: its ill to loose the bands that God decreed to bind suggests that what God has created should be cherished and ordered as he decides, and that science does not have the right to change what God has laid out. Furthermore, and finally, away from home intimates that we are far away from heaven, and our sins will drive us away from God. The word wind connotes a force of change, and a well know phrase can be likened to thi part of Stevensons dedication: one day the wind will change and your face will stay like that Although used as a modern day and light-hearted threat from a mother or father to their child, this is relevant to the book as potentially Dr Lanyon could uptake the father figure, whilst Henry Jekyll can appear as the child. Much as Dr Jekyll changed into Mr Hyde, we too can change from a faithful person with a well led life, to an arrogant and selfish person who had little if any moral values.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Launching a product in energy drinks industry

Launching a product in energy drinks industry Gatorade is a brand of sports drinks, which is available in multiple flavors, and is manufactured by Quaker Oats Company, which is now a part of PepsiCo. Ltd. Gatorade is basically into the production of sports drinks which are used by athletes and non-athletes all around the world. Energy drinks are those non-alcoholic drinks that serve the purpose of an energy-booster and revitalization. These drinks usually do not emphasize on energy derived from the calories they contain, but rather through a choice of caffeine, vitamins, and herbal supplements that the manufacturer has combined. We have come up with a new product, an energy drink under the banner of Gatorade, Which is called as Powergade. The Energy drink that we plan to launch in the market, shall meet all the requirements that any consumer expects from such a drink. Unlike the other Gatorade drinks, this energy drink will be a carbonated drink and shall consist of all those ingredients like caffeine, sugar and other vitamins, which are present in an ordinary energy drink. But compared to other energy drinks, our product will have other features which make it suitable for consumers of all age groups. This drink will be initially launched in the Indian market, since the scope of promotion in this financial year in India is very good, because of the Common Wealth Games 2010 and also the soon approaching ICC Cricket World Cup in 2011. Branding through such popular and large scale events will definitely be a good advantage to the product, and large number of people can be made aware of the drink as these above mentioned events have a huge fan following. Marketing Objectives SMART Objectives: Setting objectives and milestones is of crucial importance for any planning activity and is the core of its success, or failure. Knowing how to set objectives is not exactly rocket science in terms of complexity, but any strategist should know the basic rules of how to formulate and propose objectives. SMART illustrates 5 characteristics of an efficient objective; it stands for Specific Measurable Attainable/Agreed/Accepted Relevant/Realistic Time1. For our new Energy Drink, Powergade; the following objectives are going to be taken into consideration, for an effective and goal-oriented marketing process: To increase the market share of our product in the Indian drinks market up to 10% till June 2011 To increase profit by 10% by the end of financial year 2010-11 To propagate the brand name and the product in all tier 1 and tier 2 cities in the first 3 months of the launch. To survive in the current recession and slowdown period in the Indian Market. To have a constant growth with of 10% each year To improvise sales by 25% quarterly. To increase the market share of our product in the Indian drinks market up to 10% till June 2011: This is one of the most important objectives, as the energy drinks market in India is increasing and improvising at a constant rate. A lot of companies and brands have come into this field of food and drinks industry, hence increasing the competition in the existing market. We plan to have at least 10% of the market share by the period of one year. This will be of a great advantage to meet our other objectives  [1]  . To increase profit by 15% by the end of financial year 2010-11: Profit is one of the most important aspects for any commercial organisation. We, by launching this new energy drink in the market; plan to increase the profit of the brand Gatorade. Since cheap and effective energy drinks have a high demand in the existing market, high profits from this new product can be expected. Hence we plan to increase the net profit of the company by a minimum 15% by the end of this financial year. To propagate the brand name and the product in all tier 1 and tier 2 cities in the first 3 months of the launch: It is a very important challenge for any brand to have a strong goodwill in the market. If the company is expecting to make profits out of the launch of new product, it is very much essential to have good promotion tactics, and to make the new product, as well as the brand name popular amongst the population of the market. Hence, we plan to promote our brand and our new product Powergade in the markets of tier 1 and tier 2 cities within the 3 months launch period of our product. This will give a boost to the sales and result in higher profitability and market share. To survive the current recession and slowdown period in the Indian Market: The recent slowdown in the world economy has affected a lot of industries in the global market. This has led to low income levels and failure of new brands and their products in its launch period itself. Hence, it is a great challenge to survive and maintain a successful launch in the current market conditions. We plan to have effective promotion and sales strategy, so that our new product Powergade can survive in the market. To have a constant growth of 10% each year: As one of our core objectives, we also plan to have a constant growth of 10% each year. By growth, it is meant that we can expand this division of the company. This means to increase production and hence improvise sales. By constant growth, employment can also be assured and new opportunities will be given to fresh ideas. Growth also includes coming up with new flavours and variations in our Energy Drink. That is why; the goal of having a growth of 10% each year has been set. To improvise sales by 5% every month: Sales is one of the most important aspects of any company dealing with manufacturing and selling of goods. Sales can be considered the heart of any organisation. If the sales are smooth, it generates higher profit, improves the goodwill of the company in the market, which leads to having a higher rate of market share in the industry. Hence it has been set as an objective to improvise sales by at least 5% each month to have a better productivity and profit. Target Market/s The Drinks Market Food and drinks industry is one of the largest industries in the world. Its basic target is to cater the population with energy supplement products, which are essential for the survival of any living being. Food and drinks industry consists of products which have inelastic demand for e.g. salt, sugar, water etc. as well as products with elastic demand such as protein supplements and expensive alcoholic drinks. Substantial part of the consumer income is spent on this industry worldwide. Today the drink market is booming in India and it has become a complete new segment in the Indian market. As per the climatic conditions in India, major part of the population tends to buy drinks, especially cold drinks t o quench their thirst. The sales of drinks gets at its all time high during the summer time, this is because the climate is hot and humid in most of the places in India, which exhausts people, which leads them to buy drinks. Drinks market is becoming very popular all around the world, since many people are now attracted towards the drinks market. There are many types of drinks that are available in the market, ranging from fruit drinks to alcoholic drinks. The Indian Drinks market can be categorized in to different sub markets. The following chart shows the various categories and sub-categories of drinks available in the Indian market. The drinks market is broadly classified into: Alcoholic drinks market Non- alcoholic drinks market Alcoholic drinks are those which have high concentration of alcohol content. It is generally considered to be harmful because of its carcinogenic and hazardous nature. Unlike countries having cool climates, the Indian climate is comparatively warm, hence the body cannot adapt to the heat that is attained from such drinks. That is why alcoholic drinks are generally considered to be leisure drinks and the number of regular customers is comparatively less in India. A few famous types of alcoholic beverages are as follows: Beer Vodka Champagne Rum Breezier The Non-Alcoholic drinks, as the name suggest, do not contain any alcohol and are generally considered to be a safe drink for all type of consumers. The non- alcoholic drinks market can be further classified into two type types: Non- carbonated Carbonated Non- carbonated drinks are not concentrated and have no fizz in them, they are like Fresh juices, even Gatorade is a non- carbonated drink which doesnt have fizz and caffeine. These non- carbonated drinks are health based drink, which help for a healthy body, and doesnt harm a person, but revitalizes them, and get back their energy. Examples of Non-carbonated drinks are Real juices Gatorade. Carbonated drinks are those drinks which are concentrated and have carbon content in them, which is generally called fizz. In carbonated drinks energy drinks also come in, which consists of caffeine, which is a certain type of drug, caffeine is there but in a small quantity, it does the work to keep the consumer active and energetic. Examples of carbonated drinks are: Pepsi, Thumbs-up Coke Redbull Cloud 9 Energy drinks are beverages that are meant to be a quick fix for the exhausted and sleepy. Energy drinks are canned or bottled beverages sold in convenience stores, grocery stores, and bars and nightclubs (in mixed drinks). Most energy drinks are carbonated drinks that contain large amounts of caffeine and sugar with additional ingredients. Energy drinks are beverages that also contain vitamins such as vitamin B, taurine and herbal extracts, which help us to gain energy  [2]  . Market Segmentation The whole market can be segmented into different target groups, which are shown in the chart below. Children, who are of age of 11- 15 years, can buy this product, but they may not be having enough money and knowledge about any energy drink to go on and buy an energy drink. And it should also be noted that energy drinks contain caffeine for which children should not be encouraged. Teenage youth will surely be attracted to a product, as they are the younger generation who are prone to experimentation, and they shall buy new products. The energy drink also benefit these people as they are very active and have a very hectic and stressful schedule, this energy drink can generate energy in them and remove all stress and exhaustion. Generally, youth of this age get allowances from their parents, so it depends on the amount they get to spend for a certain period of time.Consumers, who get low allowances, might not spend a lot of money for such drinks, but those consumers who get moderate or high allowances can certainly afford such energy drinks. Hence, it can be said that youth at this age can be divided into two different target groups. Same goes in for Young adults. Unlike the teenage youth, they may not go be so experimental with new products in the market, but this energy drink will surely be of an advantage to them as they also have a hectic and stressful life, this energy drink, will give them energy to work all through the day. These people will be working, so definitely they will have money to buy the product. Even still, the young adults can be divided in to two target groups depending on their income levels. Skilled executives are working class people who work all through out the day and have a very stressful life, they dont do any kind of physical activity, but they can still buy our energy drink to feel refreshed and energetic to work, and will have a complete different approach towards their work and shall be more time efficient. Their income level is generally good enough, so energy drinks will certainly be affordable by this target group. Unskilled Labor are also working class people but they are generally into physical labor, which requires a lot of energy to do work, they really need a energy drink to boost up their stamina and to work for longer hours. Yet again, the income level of such consumers plays a very important role, unlike the skilled executive, their income level is less, and hence affording such drinks is questionable, even though this drink is of much more use to these people. Last but not the least are the Sports athletes, they are recommended to have a energy drink, this is because their work is to participate in sports and physical activities, at the end of the day the sport makes them exhausted, so to take out the exhaustion they need to have an energy drink which not only makes them energetic but also provides them with proteins and vitamins, so that they perform their regular tasks for long hours. This energy drink also increases stamina of these athletes. Potential Segments So we can say that by the above consumers there can be five potential consumer groups which will buy our product, and so we shall concentrate majorly on these consumer groups and they are: Teenage youth with high spending capacity, Young adults of both income groups, Skilled executives, Sport athletes. We target teenage youth as they are risk takers and love to experiment new drinks, thus we will target them who are with high allowances so that they can buy more of our product. We target young adults as they work, and have a stressful lifestyle with work and some other extra curricular activities thus, this energy drinks will be very good for them. As they are working they can buy the energy drink. We target the skilled executives as they have high spending capacities and since they have tedious work procedures and long working hours, the energy drink is for their advantage. And the sports athletes, these we will target as they have to drink a energy drink because of their lifestyle and constant practice of their sport, these athletes have a rigorous routine of sports and for them to not be exhausted, they need to have a energy drink. Criteria for selecting target markets CONSUMPTION: Our energy drink can be consumed by youngsters, working people and sports athletes. Pregnant women are not encouraged to consume our product as it dangerous for them. The reason for consuming our product is because our product refreshes you and quenches thirst faster than other liquids (except water) and it balances our sugar and calorie intake. LIFESTYLE: As our lifestyle is changing day by day, consumers get influenced by new products in the market, especially young generation from the age group 15-25 years. This age group has the resources to buy a new product as they are innovators. They always try exploring new products that come in the market. There are few people who do not have the resources to buy the product but are eagerly wishing to have that product. The consumers of age, ranging from 25-35 is independent considering their spending, and these people have the capacity and resources to buy and consume our product. CONSUMERS ATTITUDE: Consumers attitude towards a new product consist of many things. Few criteria are listed below: Packaging. Taste Brand name Brand ambassador of the product Importance to Packing plays a major role as consumers get excited when they see a product which looks very attractive. BENEFITS: Our Product is comparatively excellent from rest of the drinks because it does not contain artificial flavors and it can be consumed by all age groups starting from 11 years and above. It contains caffeine, vitamins, and minerals which balances the sugar level in our body. For sport athletes our product is like an apple to their eye because our product acts like an energy booster for them. Caffeine after workout provides them with good amount of energy that they have lost during workout and re-builds it. DEMOGRAPHIC: Demographics play a major role which selecting out target market. Our product would mainly be launched in Metropolitan cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai and Kolkata, which come under category of tier 1 and cities like Ahmadabad, Hyderabad, Goa and etc. come under tier 2 cities. Population of the mentioned cities is more and consists of innovators and early adaptors. So our initial target would have a strong consumer base in the markets of these cities. Applying Criteria to potential segments Potential Target Groups Criteria Teenage Youth (high spending capacity) Young Adults (Low income group) Young Adults (High Income Group) Skilled Executives Sports Athletes 1.Consumption 2.Lifestyle 3.Attitude Towards New Products 4.Benefits 5.Gographic Considering the above table, we have concluded that our major concentration would be on the following target groups: Teenage Youth, Young Adults with high income, and Sports Athletes. Customer Profile The above mentioned target groups consists of those consumers, who generally indulge into experiment with new goods and services in the market. They easily take the risk of trying out new products. These consumers also have high capacity to spend on such leisure products, since their allowances or income is generally high. These consumers are generally found in tier 1 and tier 2 cities as they have more exposure to the market and all the on-going promotional activities. They are benefited with our energy drinks, as for the teenage youth, most of their time is spent in their academics, and hence they have busy schedules. Other than that, they also indulge in various physical activities that is taxing to their bodies. The energy drinks help them keep fresh and energetic throughout the day, and hence the results in their respective endeavors is comparatively good Young adults are benefited with our product, as this is the group which is mostly indulged into hard work, be it office or on-site work. They work long hours, and especially in growing cities, travelling and cut-throat competition is also a factor that can tire any individual. Having our energy drink, which contains caffeine; it helps these consumers in being awake without actually affecting their health. The efficiency of these consumers is improvised and they can work longer hours keeping up with the task at hand. Sports athletes will have a complete different approach and usage for this drink. They are generally into more of physical work compared to the above mentioned groups. They need supplements to replenish their body and rejuvenate them. Energy drinks play an important role for such refreshment. Though, they do not prefer carbonated drinks during their games, but they certainly consume it during practice sessions and work outs. Customer perceptual positioning map For this task, our group performed a sample survey, by preparing a questionnaire. A sample of a blank questionnaire can be viewed in Appendix 1. In this survey, we asked different people questions relating to our existing brand Gatorade, its competitor brands and energy drinks. After the survey we could derive the following conclusions. In the survey, it was asked, that which of the attributes play an important role in an energy drink. The attributes included: Effectiveness Taste Packaging Style/Trends Flavor options. The conclusion derived from this survey gave us the following result. Pie chart 1. From this research we concluded that EFFECTIVNESS and TASTE are the appropriate attributes that the consumer keeps in mind to judge the product and to compare the product with that of the competitors. For the positioning process, for our product, we chose 5 brands which are popular in the Indian market, and decided to position of product on the basis of comparison with the following five brands: Redbull Burn Bling Xenia Cloud 9 The sample population was asked to prioritize these brands on the scale of their preference considering the above mentioned five attributes. The results for the attributes TASTE and EFFECTIVENESS is shown in the following pie-charts.We made these pie charts on the basis of the ratings and then derived the percentage of preferred brand for these attributes. A Perceptional-positioning mapping is a kind of visual tool which shows the customers perception of a product or brand in relation to others in the market relating to certain attributes. In our product of Powergade from Gatorade we have considered the most relevant attributes like Effectiveness and the Taste of the drink. The following graph was made on the basis of the ratings given by the sample population to each brand based on the above mentioned attributes of the brands product. They were asked to rate the attributes on the scale of 1 5 in which 1-3 was considered low and 3-5 was considered high. High Taste Powergade We did a primary research on the effectiveness and the taste of our various competitors. From the perception mapping in the above graph and table we got to know the standing of each of our competitors in the market. Red Bull being high in taste and high in effectiveness becomes a tough competitor for Powergade as our product aims to give best of taste and prove to be quickly effective. The marketing mix is a combination of elements needed to successfully market any product. The marketing mix is at the heart of marketing planning. It is used to review and develop marketing strategy. These elements are commonly known as the Four Ps of marketing Product-Our main focus is that our product must be exceptional in taste and quickly effective. Since Gatorade has an experienced research team, we will be able to achieve our goal efficiently. Price-Initially we will come up with a penetration pricing strategy to gain a good amount of market share and create awareness of our product. Keeping low price will help us against our premier competitor, Redbull. Place-As Gatorade is already an established drink worldwide, Powergade will take advantage of this and will use similar distribution channels as well as new distribution channels. Promotion-Since we have a good promotional budget, high scale advertisements will be made and shown on television; radio channels and huge hoarding will be put up all over the country. We will also be aiming to have celebrities to be the brand ambassadors of our drink. Other than that, we will take full advantage of the upcoming ICC Cricket World Cup, scheduled to take place in February 2011 in the Indian subcontinent. Concentrating on all the four Ps of Marketing we will be able to achieve our desired position in the Perceptional-positioning mapping. Product Product Type: Energy Drink. The term product includes two things tangible and intangible. It also includes services, ideas, goods, people and a mix of various elements. Our product would come under category of shopping products and non durable goods. There are three product levels: Core product. Embodied product. Augmented product. Core Product: Core product means the core benefits and the reason why people would want to buy our product. The Youth age group (11-21) would buy our product because as they are prone for experiencing new product and they consider it as a style statement. Now-days young generation is facing a problem of very hectic, stressful and tiring schedule. Our product would relief them and provide with energy and necessary minerals. Age group (22-30) these people come under the category of Intense working people and they have a very stressful life, and as they devote very less to physical activity; for them our product would refresh them and would give them energy to work more efficiently. Last but not the least is Sport athletes which are our main target; would buy our product because as their major time goes in playing physical sports, the water and energy level drenches down very quickly and they become exhausted very fast. Our product will be a great beneficial for them. For people who are Chain smokers for them our product is like an apple to their eye and health because our product coconut pulp which works as a nicotine reducer. EMBODIED PRODUCT: Embodied means physical goods or delivery services that provides benefits. It consists of design, packing, ingredients and brand name. Logo of Powergade Description: C:UsersArchitDesktopbackprint.png Product can design front and back Ingredients: Coconut pulp, Water, sucrose, glucose, sodium citrate, taurine, glucuronolactone, caffeine, instol, niacinamide, calcium-pantothenate, pyridoxine HCL, Vitamin 612, artificial flavors, colors. Source(s)- (Red bull can) Durability of our product (Expiry of the product)-24 Months from the date of Manufacture. Augmented Product: Augmented product means post-purchase activity or services. In case of defective goods we will replace the defective goods within a period of 5 working days and would give cash back if defective quantity is more than 2%. Minimum order of 300 pieces. Discounts are provided if there is a bulk order. We will also have a scheme of lucky dip when you buy 4 powergade, and get 25% off. Core Product When a consumer wants to buy a product, what will he or she will look into, the uniqueness of the product, and will also differentiate between two products that how a product is different with its same type of competitors product. After comparing the consumer will buy the product which will give him maximum benefits and, also will give him maximum satisfaction. We see that there are many energy drinks in the market and all have a same thing to say, and same benefits to give that are- Increases performance Increases concentration Improves mental alertness Stimulates metabolism Our product powergade is a very unique type of product, and its uniqueness will take this product at the top of the Non-Alcoholic beverages market. You may think that how can an energy drink can be as unique as any other energy drink. Our product has all the benefits that all top energy drinks have in common, but we have added some more three features in our energy drink. Common benefits shared with the competitors will be- Increases performance Increases concentration Improves mental alertness Stimulates metabolism Unique features of Powergade- Nicotine reducer More of Vitamins Additional fibre (fruity taste as fibres will be taken from fruit nectar) The nicotine reducer will help those consumers who are addicted to cigarettes, while people have cigarettes nicotine automatically gets in their blood, whereas when that consumer will have our product his nicotine count will be reduced. We will use a pinch of coconut oil as coconut is the best nicotine reducer. Our product will also have more of vitamins which will help the consumer revitalize his mind, be active and energetic all throughout the day. Additional fibre is fruit nectar which will be used in our product; this will give a good and additional taste  [3]  . As we know today, the demand for energy drinks is increasing day by day in the Indian markets, there is tough competition between competitors, and every company is having a price war with its competitors to sell its products. Red bull in that case has kept its price of a can is Rs.85, and cloud 9 has kept the price of its can Rs.90. These drastic differences in prices will be because of many reasons as for example the ingredients which are there in the drink or mainly the packaging or manufacturing of product will be different from the others, or there may be a simple reason for high prices that will be the profitability of the company. For setting up a price for our brand powergade we need a certain pricing objectives which will help in our pricing decision, pricing objectives are goals that describe the role of price in an organizations plans, the objectives help managers as a basic guide line to develop further pricing and marketing strategies  [4]  . The pricing objectives which are required for this product will be- Market penetration Target rate of return Price stabilization Meet of follow competition Market share Profit maximization Cash flow Product line promotion Survival in the market.  [5]   Our price will overcome the cost and therefore earning us a good profit margin. The cost will include all the internal and external costs. Pricing will be considering the taxes also on the product. Customers will feel value for money for our product as they will be satisfied to the fullest. Our pricing will be complementing other Ps of the marketing mix. It should be complementing with the place it is marketed, the promotion used and the value of the product. Strategies Market Led Pricing Strategy Market led pricing strategy are based on the level of customer demand for a firms products or the level of demand in the industry in which the firm operates. Market led Pricing strategy include Penetration Pricing, Skimming price, Price Discrimination, Loss leader, Psychological pricing and Promotional pricing. In all the market led pricing strategies our product will be using Penetration pricing and Psychological pricing. Penetration pricing is a strategy used for a new product to help establish itself in the industry. This method involves setting a relatively low price in order to gain market share and awareness. Over time, as the product established itself, the price can be raised. This strategy is suitable for mass market products that sell in large enough volumes like our powergade. It will help Gatorade to enter a well established market efficiently. One drawback of using this strategy is that customers might consider the product of low quality as it priced low. Combining with Penetration pricing is the psychological pricing. Psychological pricing is a strategy that involves using numbers like, such as $ 9.99 to make price seem lower. Hence customers psychologically feel that they are getting a bargain or better price for the product  [6]

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Democratic Development in Dharamsala Essays -- Tibet Government Papers

Democratic Development in Dharamsala The year 1959 brought enormous changes to the life of Tenzin Gyatso, Tibet’s fourteenth Dalai Lama. At the age of fifteen, he was forced to assume political power as Tibet’s supreme temporal ruler. Although the Dalai Lama does not traditionally assume secular power until the age of eighteen, advances made by the Chinese Red Army forced him to ascend to this position prematurely. Needless to say, there was an immense amount of pressure on the teenaged boy: not only was he the religious leader of millions of Tibetans, he was now also their political leader as well. Furthermore, his previous experience with government and international affairs was extremely limited, and he himself did not feel prepared for the position despite the wishes of the people that he become king. When Tibet’s deteriorating situation forced him to furtively escape from Tibet into northern India, the Dalai Lama settled in Dharamsala where he established a government in exile that ruled o ver the Tibetan refugees. Despite countless obstacles and hardships the Dalai Lama has faced, he has handled his difficult situation admirably, developing a form of government new to Tibetans, one based on democratic ideals. Although not all of his ideas and actions have been received enthusiastically by all Tibetans, the past decades have proven that the government as developed by the Dalai Lama best suits the needs of the refugee Tibetans, as democracy best respects their rights and freedoms as individuals. History and Background Until Chinese invasion and occupation, Tibet was what is known as an established religion state, meaning that its government acknowledged and supported the institution and practices of ... ...ral, is up to the Tibetan people, as His Holiness stated in 1969. This statement was an act of true democracy: putting his own desires aside, the Dalai Lama decided to act in accordance with the wishes of the people. He remains encouragingly positive concerning Tibet’s situation; as he has stated, â€Å"Certain of the predictions concerning Tibet’s future make [the] point [that things will turn out well in the end] and I myself have always been convinced of it† (Avedon 359). We can only hope that the wishes of His Holiness concerning Tibet’s future reach fulfillment, and that in the future Tibet will prosper, preserving the rights and freedoms of all individuals, and setting an example for communities around the globe. [1] at least initially – in 1975 the concept of primary elections was introduced for choosing members of the Assembly of Tibetan People’s Deputies. Democratic Development in Dharamsala Essays -- Tibet Government Papers Democratic Development in Dharamsala The year 1959 brought enormous changes to the life of Tenzin Gyatso, Tibet’s fourteenth Dalai Lama. At the age of fifteen, he was forced to assume political power as Tibet’s supreme temporal ruler. Although the Dalai Lama does not traditionally assume secular power until the age of eighteen, advances made by the Chinese Red Army forced him to ascend to this position prematurely. Needless to say, there was an immense amount of pressure on the teenaged boy: not only was he the religious leader of millions of Tibetans, he was now also their political leader as well. Furthermore, his previous experience with government and international affairs was extremely limited, and he himself did not feel prepared for the position despite the wishes of the people that he become king. When Tibet’s deteriorating situation forced him to furtively escape from Tibet into northern India, the Dalai Lama settled in Dharamsala where he established a government in exile that ruled o ver the Tibetan refugees. Despite countless obstacles and hardships the Dalai Lama has faced, he has handled his difficult situation admirably, developing a form of government new to Tibetans, one based on democratic ideals. Although not all of his ideas and actions have been received enthusiastically by all Tibetans, the past decades have proven that the government as developed by the Dalai Lama best suits the needs of the refugee Tibetans, as democracy best respects their rights and freedoms as individuals. History and Background Until Chinese invasion and occupation, Tibet was what is known as an established religion state, meaning that its government acknowledged and supported the institution and practices of ... ...ral, is up to the Tibetan people, as His Holiness stated in 1969. This statement was an act of true democracy: putting his own desires aside, the Dalai Lama decided to act in accordance with the wishes of the people. He remains encouragingly positive concerning Tibet’s situation; as he has stated, â€Å"Certain of the predictions concerning Tibet’s future make [the] point [that things will turn out well in the end] and I myself have always been convinced of it† (Avedon 359). We can only hope that the wishes of His Holiness concerning Tibet’s future reach fulfillment, and that in the future Tibet will prosper, preserving the rights and freedoms of all individuals, and setting an example for communities around the globe. [1] at least initially – in 1975 the concept of primary elections was introduced for choosing members of the Assembly of Tibetan People’s Deputies.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Defining Success :: Definition Essays

Success is within the mind of the individual. A large portion of ones life is spent working to become successful. People are told throughout childhood to work hard so they can grow up and make lots of money. But success takes many different forms. Different people have different interpretations of what success means to them. For some, success is measured by social status and wealth; for others success is determined only by the amount of happiness one feels. Money is the main concern for some people. It is a crucial necessity for anyone who is trying to succeed in life. Many believe that the only way to succeed is to have a lot of money. For this type of person, achieving success starts with going to a good college. It is a competitive job market and if one wants a high paying job he needs some college credentials. College is also said to prepare people to take on the world. Once one has graduated and has a well paying job he is on his way to becoming successful. People work their whole lives making money so they can satisfy their desires. The idea of being able to purchase the items one has always dreamt about is an achievement. People dream about owning a home and having beautiful things to fill it with. Many people take pride in what they possess. People want to own nice homes, nice cars, and nice clothes. Some need to look successful in order to feel successful. These people feel successful when they can admire what their hard work has given them. For some, happiness is all that matters. Happiness is achieved in many ways, and it doesn’t always involve money. There are many things that contribute to making a person feel happy and successful. One can feel successful without a lot of money at all. For example, feeling loved is something that makes everyone happy. Many believe that without love life is not thoroughly complete, thus never truly achieving success. Ones line of work can also affect how happy he is. Some feel that it is more important to enjoy work and get less money than it is to hate work and get paid more. Another factor in achieving psychological success is ones ability to enjoy what life gives him. There are many qualities of life that are overlooked. Everyone is dealt family and it is important to value that.

Women and Advertisements Essay examples -- Beauty Media Essays Adverti

Women and Advertisements The average American is exposed to hundreds of advertisements per day. Advertisements targeted toward females have an enormous effect on women's thoughts, attitudes, perceptions, and actions. Most of the time, women don't even realize these advertisements are formulating self-image issues. These ideals surround them daily and they become naturalized to the ads. Advertising creates an entire worldview persuading women to emulate the images they see all around them. In order to create a market for their products, companies constantly prey upon women's self esteem, to feel like they aren't good enough just the way they are. This makes women constantly feel stressed out about their appearance (Moore). Advertising has a negative effect on women's body image, health, and self-esteem. Advertising creates a mythical dream world where there are no problems, everyone is beautiful, and has money to spare. Advertisements depict the way in which people think women and men are â€Å"supposed to be† (Cortese 52). Women are shown all these images as role models, which are unattainable. Females are not able to be happy with their bodies because everyday in the media they are told that they are not beautiful. The average American woman is 5 feet tall and weighs 142 pounds. When is the last time you saw a women meeting these qualifications in any advertisement? The truth is most people don't have the genetic potential to be the idealized shape and size in our culture (â€Å"Every†). Women are doomed from the beginning. The media favors one women's body type; the tall blonde with perfect, tan skin and long, beautiful hair. Because the images of women in advertisements are unattainable, it keeps them purchasing new products in their quest to be like the models they see (Moore). The actual women in these advertisements can't even match up to the image of themselves in real life. They are almost computer-generated women like in the movie Simone. Indeed, with the technology we have now, advertisers can transform a product into perfection, at the same time, misleading the consumer into seeing it as â€Å"real†, and thus permanently providing impossible standards (Ingham). More and more women are becoming dissatisfied with themselves trying to be this fantasy person created by the men in our society. This distorted view of reality, portrayed by advertisemen... ...m, corporations will do anything to make a buck, including forcing women and girls to suffer health problems, low self-esteem, depression, and the adoption of subservient roles in society. Socialism would lay the basis for women's liberation. Advertising would no longer suffocate and distort women's sense of self-worth. A society based on equality and mutual respect would finally eliminate the second-class status women have held for thousands of years (Moore). If a women can't be happy with her body than she is not able to teach her children that their bodies are beautiful. Children are taught that fat is unlikable. They assume that all fat people eat all the time, are dirty, lazy, stupid, cheaters, and other negative images. Advertisers need to take into consideration the changing roles and sizes of women in society. Society is starting to accept other cultures, religions, and races, but they still don't accept people that don't have fit the â€Å"normal† body size. Beaut y is in the eye of the beholder, but if advertisements helped reinforce the many different definitions of beauty it would decrease the number of women who have poor body image, low-self esteem, and health problems.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Review Questions Essay

1. What does the word â€Å"processing† in data processing mean? A process is any manipulation of data, usually with the goal of producing information. 2. Give three examples in which raw data also serves as useful information. Input Process Output 3. Give three business examples (not mentioned in the text) of data that must be processed to provide useful information. Complete Accurate Current 4. Give three examples of subsystems not operating in the context of IT. Why are these considered subsystems and not systems? Account Payable – records information about money that organization owes to suppliers and service providers General Ledger– records current transactions Account Receivable– records sums owed to the organization and by whom each subsystem has a well-defined goal. Together, the subsystems make up the organization’s accounting system. 5. How do TPSs and DSSs differ? Transaction Processing Systems (TPSs) is any system that records transactions; Decision Support Systems (DSSs) is the information system that aids managers in making decisions based on built-in models. 6. What is a problem? Give an example of a business problem and discuss how a computer-based information system could solve it. A problem is any undesirable situation. Both problem-solving and decision-making require information gathering the right information efficiently, storing it so that it can be used and manipulated as necessary, and using it to help an organization achieve its business goals are the keys to success. 7. What is synergy? How is synergy accomplished when a person uses a computer? Explain the connection between synergy and increased productivity. Synergy (from Greek â€Å"To work together†) is the attainment of output, when two factors work together, that is greater or better than the sum of their products when they were separately. 8. â€Å"An information system consists of hardware and software.† Why is this statement inadequate? An information system has become synonymous with a computer-based information system that computers collect, store, and process data into information according to instructions people provide via computer programs. 9. In which situations does one need to make a decision? Give three examples not mentioned in the chapter. What if we purchase raw materials overseas? What if we merge our warehouses? What if we double our shifts and cut our staff? 10. How can a DSS help make decisions? Organizations often build information systems specifically designed to help make decisions. 11. Note the word â€Å"support† in decision support systems. Why these applications are not called decision-making systems? Because they have neither the time nor the resources to study and absorb long, detailed reports of data and information, organizations often build information systems specifically designed to help make decisions. 12. Who is considered a knowledge worker? Will you have a career as a knowledge worker? Explain. Hardware and software platforms, products, and applications System analyst – proven knowledge in advanced operating and personal computer systems; must have a thorough understanding in multiple 13. What is the most prevalent type of information system? Why this type of is IS so ubiquitous? Supply Chain Management System; the term â€Å"supply Chain† refers to the sequence of activities involved in producing and selling a product or service. 14. TPSs are usually used at the boundaries of the organization. What are boundaries in this context? Give three examples of boundaries. TPSs the predominant function of TPSs is to record data collected at the boundaries of organizations, in other words, at the point where the organization transacts business with other parties. They also record many of the transactions that take place inside an organization. Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) Credit card-processing POS machines 15. Among IT professionals, the greatest demand is for network administrators and analysts. Why? Because they are among the top 25 percent of the best-paying jobs.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Art and Human Life

You could define art as vision or as intuition, as Benedetto Croce does in his essay â€Å"What is Art? † By this definition, the works of someone with a beautiful vision would be beautiful, and art would be an external manifestation of an internal state. The importance of art is related to the nature of our human built environment, and whether we create it to be a comfort or a torment. To understand the place of art and beauty in contemporary culture, you need to turn to history. You could define art as vision or as intuition, as Benedetto Croce does in his essay â€Å"What is Art? By this definition, the works of someone with a beautiful vision would be beautiful, and art would be an external manifestation of an internal state. The importance of art is related to the nature of our human built environment, and whether we create it to be a comfort or a torment. To understand the place of art and beauty in contemporary culture, you need to turn to history. Read more: Why Is Ar t Important in Life? | eHow. com http://www. ehow. com/about_6134201_art-important-life_. html#ixzz1MlGvu7yA Philosophy Art, like humor, can sometimes by deadened when dissected too thoroughly. Writers as accomplished and diverse as Leo Tolstoy in â€Å"What is Art† and Susan Sontag in â€Å"The New Art, A Critical Anthology† have pondered the meaning and function of art, yet it remains a nebulous term. Perhaps Picasso, in an interview with Marius de Zayas in 1923, best captured the elusive nature of art when he wrote that â€Å"art is a lie that makes us realize truth. † Challenges The great art historian Ananda Coomaraswamy, in his book, â€Å"The Transformation of Nature in Art,† wrote that â€Å"museums are the places were we've put the things that we've forgotten how to use. While museums have allowed millions to see the great works of art from throughout history, they also pose the threat of separating art from everyday life. William Morris believed that this separation was one of the causes of modern alienation, and that art should not be locked away in special buildings, but should be an integral part of society's daily life. When beauty and care are inherent in everything that is done, â€Å"art† in fact ceases to exist as a separate entity, and becomes an aspect of everything that we do. Future. The future of art remains uncertain. According to Morris, speaking of his admiration for medieval craftsmen who wed artistic vision with a mastery of handcraft, the reunion of the two could overcome the dichotomy between art and life, and lead to a culture re-infused with a sense of beauty, wonder, and singularity. A reunion of what we now know as â€Å"fine art† with the greater population of the world would, as Morris put it in his essay â€Å"The Revival of Handicraft,† lead to â€Å"the unwearying pleasure of tasting the fullness of life. † Read more: Why Is Art Important in Life? |

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Help by Kathrynn Stockett: Themes

In fact, the Justice system, thought to promote equality in â€Å"the and of the free,† was useless towards the idea of racial harmony and African Americans were treated bitterly and relentlessly during this time. The author Kathy Stocked wrote a novel In the perspective of mistreated black maids and one helping white woman during the time of the call rights movement. Through the historical events, characters, and setting compiled Into Kathy Stockpot's novel, The Help, the theme of Injustice and racial Inferiority Is portrayed.During the novel, the bus Abilene is riding stops at a roadblock and all the black people are told to get off the us. The civil rights leader and NAACP field secretary, Meager Veers, had been shot and killed by the UK Klux Klan. Abilene states, â€Å"White peoples with guns, pointed at colored peoples. Cause who gone protect our peoples? Into no colored policeman's† (230). The blacks are trapped and have no jurisdiction to control what happens in the community, or to themselves.Even a person with authority, Mayor Thompson, denoted the idea of a biracial committee and said that he â€Å"believes in the separation of races† (231). Instead of protecting the blacks, the government was useless In aiding them. The Jim Crow laws, found by Skitter In the library, also resembled how government only contributed to the destruction of racism. The events that are embedded throughout the novel reveal how the characters feel helpless to what occurs around them.In addition to resembling the theme of injustice, Hilly Holbrook is the symbol for whites who used power and influence to have blacks fired, evicted, imprisoned, fined, and even subjected to physical violence. She used her social status to influence the courts and businesses in the community to punish black omen, like Yule May, whom she targeted. After Yule May went to trial for stealing one of Hills rings, Abilene states that â€Å"A regular sentence be six months for petty stealing, but Miss Holbrook, she get it pushed up to four years† (295).For many of the black characters in the novel, and the black maids during that time, there was little justice. Acts of violence and injustice were committed against them and there was nothing they could do to fight it. The scale was of Justice was Imbalanced, heavily sloping downwards for the blacks who had no power compared to the whites. The eating also reinforces the theme of Injustice and racial Inferiority. The novel Is set In Jackson, Mississippi, one of the most segregated towns in the united States, during ten time AT ten call relents movement.I Nils was a parlor consisting AT organelle boycotts, student protests, and mass marches towards the struggle against racial segregation. The Jim Crow laws were enforced and there were strict rules and norms concerning the actions of blacks. Jackson, Mississippi was teeming with racial tensions and this affected the characters and events of the novel. Kathy St ocked rote the novel, The Help, and captured the image of life as a black maid during the sass's.In her novel, she compiled historical events, characters, and the setting to portray the emotions and hardships of blacks during this time in history. By using these devices, Stocked formed the theme of injustice that readers can either relate to or comprehend. Through her writing, she accurately demonstrated how racial inequality, injustice, and inferiority played a role in the lives of many blacks. The Help represents how the blacks, the inferior, began to stand up to the whites, the superior, through words and stories.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Provoking Uncommon breakthrough

Introduction Everyone at some point in their lives have that one thing that bothers them so deeply that they would only wish they happen by magic. There are uncommon problems that have limited many from advancing to a higher level where God wants us to be. It is God's will and desire that His children are blessed beyond measure, Irrespective of our color, background and beliefs. If not so, why does God allow the sun to shine on the good and on the evil?God truly desires that we should be blessed In all works of fife, in marriage: He desires that we are fruitful, in business and career He desires that we expand and break out from the North to the South, East and west, in Ministry; He desires that we reach out to millions of souls and depopulate hell, etc. Why then is it almost impossible and difficult for many to attain the height that God wants them In? Breakthrough Is quite easy to understand, It is an act of breaking through and obstacle.For a great door and effectual Is opened unt o me, and there are many adversaries – 1 Corinthians 1619 Abraham was in a predicament that many would eve considered shameful, he was mocked, he was questioned, he was cheated, he was manipulated, and he was threatened. Though he had all things, but he had no child of His own. He needed an uncommon breakthrough for that uncommon problem. The predicament of Abraham and his wife Sarah was such that everything around them proved Impossible that even Sarah lost hope. She was no longer Like other women. I bet she no longer saw her period. He had lost the fire In ever young woman, she had lost the passion to meet with her husband, she was completely hopeless. Uncommon problems need uncommon breakthrough that can only be rough about by the hand of God. If you need the hand of God to move on your behalf today, there are certain steps to take. Tonight, Ill be pointing out three steps that have worked in the bible, In my life and will forever deliver to you If you believes things were written In the scriptures long ago to teach us. And the scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God's promises to be fulfilled.Whatever must deliver, has already delivered for someone in the time past, only follow the same steps and you'll command the same result. 1. SACRIFICIAL GIVING Isaiah 51:1 â€Å"Listen to me, all who hope for deliverance?all who seek the LORDS Consider the rock from which you were cut, the quarry from which you were mined. Yes, think about Abraham, your ancestor, and Sarah, who gave birth to your nation. Abraham was only one man when I called him. But when I blessed him, he became a great nation. † (NIL) Look to Abraham, what was it that Abraham did that brought about the uncommon breakthrough?Remember, he was promised by God he would have a child, when the father, son and Holy Spirit, did not come for that purpose, they were on their way to esters Stood†¦.. Abraham saw them, he could have ignored them, even though he knew who they were but he chose to welcome them and offered hospitality†¦.. Abraham gave from his Abraham did not Just say, well God promised me that I'll have a child, so I do not have to labor for it. The earth belongs to the Lord, etc he does not need my offering†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Abraham, gave voluntarily. I want this blessing so I must give. I have to let something leave to create room for something tangible to come in.Proverbs 18:16 A man's gift make room for him, and bringing him before great men†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Share your green card story†¦. Never get tire of giving sacrificially, you may have been giving, don't worry how that can provoke God to action Why sacrificial giving does not produce†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Sow on a fertile ground, give to vessels that God knows and relates with. If giving, sacrificial giving that is, brings about uncommon breakthrough, why have my savings not yielded any fruit? When a farmer sows a seed on an infertile soil, not only will the seed die, b ut the farmer will have nothing to harvest.If the farmer sows a bad seed, it will be impossible to reap a good seed. If the ground is not well prepared, the outcome may come out deformed. So also is giving, Don't Just sow a seed because you want something to leave your hand†¦.. A little boy of about 2-3 years old, gave a seed that turned his health around. (Tell Chiders story). 2 Kings 3:17-18; 26-27 Sacrificial giving can turn the hand of God around instantly. God looks at the heart of the giver. He saw that Abraham gave from all he had, He could not have left without blessing His household. ————Fertile ground for example, ————-The poor in the land (Duet. 15:11) †¦.. Servants of God Kings 4 – Allies, because of hospitality, the equanimities son was brought back to life. What is that hopeless case in your life, I charge you tonight to go out there and do someone a huge blessing. I charge you to locate someone i n dire need and bless them sacrificially. I charge you to surprise someone with a gift. Don't bring me a gift because you desire to have me in your bed, or you desire a favor from the leader or you desire a rich message from prophet Moses or Keen.